
An Ethiopian Resident Charity Society

(Established xxx, 2016)

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 Many low-income families in Addis Ababa face financial burden at the beginning of each school year. This may be in the form of financial shortcomings to pay school fees, uniforms, text books and other essential educational expenses.  Other shortcomings may include paying for additional tutoring or providing nutritional support.  While both boys and girls in elementary schools may be subject to these shortcomings, girls usually carry the heaviest burden. Behagere focuses on families with at least one female student.

What is it?


Behagere will be a local Ethiopian Charity Association based in Addis Ababa that encourages the use of local support to address local issues. Behagere loosely translates into English as ‘in my country.’ As such, it will be supported only by Ethiopians who live in Ethiopia. It will be licensed by the Ethiopian Charities and Societies Agency.

Knowledge Shared is Knowledge Multiplied

— Behagere FOUNDER

Student Support Event June 2019

Student Support Event June 2019


Behagere will strive to fill gaps in the financial abilities among low-income families in Addis Ababa to support the educational expenses of students.

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 Selection of families

X amount of families per year with at least one female student age 6 to 18 will be selected on the basis of need and willingness to participate.  We accept students regardless of skill level. Once a student is enrolled in the program, all efforts will made to follow and support the student till their completion of high school.

1.1 Plan Structure

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  •  Support for 15 school children per year. Total initial number of students currently enrolled: 15

  • Upon entry into the program, students will be enrolled in Catagrory A in which they will receive aid in tuition, uniform, and essential school supplies.

  •  15 of the initial students will move on to Category B the next academic year, which will include more support. 

  •  The organization aims to see all enrolled students in Category C, in which they will receive tutoring and nutritional support.

1.2 Cost Estimate

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Financial Sources

Aside from the initial starting fund, all financial support for Behagere will come from small donations by willing Ethiopians living in Ethiopia. This could be either in the form of sponsorship or direct contribution of funds. All money raised will be used to support families that qualify.


Behagere will have an office in Addis Ababa free of rental and utility expenses.  It will be run by a director who will work on a voluntary basis. The director will be supported by a small volunteer staff. Each student will have a profile folder that will indicate progress and follow-up until the end of high school.

Financial activities will be audited yearly either free of charge or for a small fee.




Amanelwa Building, 1st Floor Ethiopia-China Friendship Avenue Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


P O Box 170184



Tel: (+ 251) 0114 700 287 (Off.);  (+251) 911 24 78 26 (Cell)